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Publisher |
DC |
Artist |
Phil Hester |
Artist |
Jeff Johnson |
Writer |
Greg Rucka |
Writer |
Jordan Gorfinkel |
Inker |
Dan Panosian |
Inker |
Steve Mitchell |
Colorist |
Wildstorm FX |
Colorist |
Noelle Giddings |
Letterer |
Todd Klein |
Letterer |
Ken Lopez |
Cover Artist |
Dave Johnson |
Published | October 2000 |
URBAN RENEWL PART 2 Roberto Alonzo's body is found at the scene of the second construction site bombing and the Mayor sees this as proof that the OG spokesman was responsible. The police department and Batman, however, are not convinced and continue their investigations. Batman discovers that explosives were carefully planted throughout the site of the second bombing, meaning that a demolitions expert was involved, and James Gordon discovers that the site was seriously over-insured. They both reach the same conclusion by different methods - Vic Ferris of C and F Constructions, is responsible for the bombings, both to collect on insurance money and to turn opinion against the OGs, who he believes to be scum. With the help of Ferris' partner JJ Coldwell, they are able to arrest him. He even gets a punch in the face from Commissioner Gordon, who takes him to task for his attitude to the OGs - not for himself, since he was raised in Chicago, but on behalf of his late wife, Gotham born and bred and a casualty of the No Man's Land year. THE JACOBIAN PART 4 - WINDS OF FORTUNE While Leelee sleeps, Jacob realises that he is developing feelings for her, feelings which are inappropriate since he has been hired to track down her missing husband. He also wonders how the two of them came to have such good fighting abilities, defeating several ninjas between them - he has no memory of any training and she is telling him nothing. The two of them begin to search seriously for her husband, looking in a variety of places across the world. Eventually, their questions scare a man in Westwind City - they appear to be getting somewhere.